Wednesday, February 9, 2011

I blog for comments. . .

So I learned today that the "comment" option on my blog was somehow disabled before today. Well, I have no earthly idea how to make it come around for the old posts but from here on in you can comment away. I do hope you will. I love hearing from you...

2 Comments so far - Add yours!

  1. Melinda, I LOVE the boot post (AND the dollar store)! Such a darling pose of Emie... you are so wise to enjoy these precious years... I am on the back end with my boys and trying to hold on to every minute as well.

    So glad your comment section is up and running. Have a fantastic week and stay warm out there!

  2. I love the boot post too. Mostly I just love you:) You are a lovely writer and I am so blessed each time I see something new on the blog! Blog away!

    And happy Friday ~

