Well it's autumn in Minnesota. Growing up in Illinois fall was the best. It meant the end of the humidity and the beginning of your favorite sweatshirts and sweaters. Walking with the crunch of the leaves beneath your feet.
In California it meant facing the Santa Ana winds and wondering just how a breeze could possibly be so hot.
In Minnesota - it's glorious. Beautiful, sunny, colorful, and brief. So brief that we all try to pretend it's a season and not just a few days. Days that precede the longest season known to humankind. But today, well it was just a taste of heaven. Colorful leaves flew all around while the temps rose to the 80s. Like we forgot for a second we aren't coastal at all. Thanks Upper Midwest for giving me a little taste of my California home. The warm wind through the windows took me a thousand miles west.
The girls were in on the revelry... piling up the leaves and jumping in wearing their capris.
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